Thursday, May 5, 2011

Creating a Map

After my post earlier this week about training plans or lack thereof, I have decided that this weekend I am going to make a plan that works for me.  The plan will include my training, days of training, nutrition, work, family, and me time.

I will be starting with a few different plans that I have printed off the internet and create my own plan.  I will continue to strength train with my good friend DB, because lets face it he is a major factor in keeping me motivated.  Outside of my wife, he is my biggest motivator to keep pushing forward in the gym.  DB if you are reading day I will be bigger, stronger and faster than you!

To make this even more interesting, I am planning on posting my weekly results for all of you to read and comment on.  Lets face it, numbers don't lie and who better than to review my training logs than a bunch of people doing the same thing, training for triathlons.

Hope everyone is training hard, staying safe, injury free and having a good time!

1 comment:

  1. That is a great idea and I wish you the best of luck!
